Fisherman’s Loop

North Vancouver
Fisherman’s trail might be one of the most well-known trails on the North Shore. It’s also beloved by many Vancouverites, which doesn’t surprise me at all!

There are a few ways to get to the trail. This time we started a ride from Northwoods Village just off Second Narrows Bridge on the north side. After a mild climb on Riverside Drive, we accessed the trailhead. You will quickly realize why so many people love this trail. Thanks to the Seymour River the whole forest around is green and lush. If you have time, stop by the cliff side to read through some interesting information about the rockslide that occurred here in 2014 and caused a lot of disturbance to this area.

Once you get to the suspension bridge, you can enjoy the view of the river from both sides. After crossing, keep by the river to stay on Fisherman’s trail. This section is fun and flowy sections and depending on the time of the year you can snack on salmonberries that grow right on trail. If you keep your eyes open, you can also find a cave tunnel.

Before crossing the Spur 4 bridge, explore hidden single tracks around the swamp and enjoy the views of the valley. View from the bridge is beautiful too and it’s a nice spot for snacks or, if you have enough time, even to make some coffee with your camping gear.

Once you get to the Spur 4 trail, make sure to continue to the left to follow the loop linked here. This section is like a rollercoaster, as it’s full of climbs and descents, ending with switchbacks leading to Bear Island Bridge.

We like to stop for snack at Seymour Dam viewpoint just up the road, as there are picnic tables and a nice view of the mountains.

Instead of the road, it’s lovely to head back to Bear Island and ride around fish hatchery, as this area by the river is very pristine and quiet. There are also multiple spots with beach access, if you fancy a dip on a hot day.

The ride back into town is fast-paced, all on a paved road. This might sound boring, but don’t forget you are still riding through the forest, on a road that’s not accessible to motorized vehicles, which I think is pretty cool!

If you want to add more gravel to this route, you can use some parts from our North Van Sampler or North Van Neighbourhood Loop routes.

Note: The section between the suspension bridge and the Spur 4 bridge is very popular by runners and hikers alike, so make sure you keep that in mind and create enough space for all trail users.

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